Thursday, June 21, 2012

In a blink of an eye…

It felt like a blink of an eye, but 2012 is halfway done and I have been wondering where did the year go?

Even more surprising to me, a few friends have asked me why I haven't been blogging.  I'm not surprised that I have wonderful, caring friends- just that my blog has been missed.

Here's a run-down of the last sixth months:

My husband and I bought a house and moved one county over.  We're still in the unpacking stage and I still cannot find what I am looking for half of the time, but owning our first house is immensely exciting!

I have been accepted into George Mason University and will be completing my Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies, with an emphasis in ethics and interpreting.  This has turned into a phenomenal opportunity to transfer the interpreting courses that I previously completed at Gallaudet University while exploring another discipline.  Although I do not officially start classes until this fall, I am doing a directed reading (i.e. independent reading) this summer and researching the history of the RID Codes of Ethics.  I hope to do another directed reading next summer, examining the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and how it influences an individuals ethical decision-making process.  That will leave me with three classes and a final project- my anticipated gradation date is May 2014.

I have also been honing my presenter skills.  In March, I went to Richmond to present my first full-scale workshop, "Ethics: It's about the journey and destination," about various approaches to ethical decision-making as well as how the Circle Process and Critical Friends Model can be used to discuss ethical dilemmas.  The following week, I co-facilitated the VRID Community Dialogue on team interpreting.  In May, I lead another ethics discussion group- yes, I love these things!  As an extrovert, talking through things always helps me, plus I feel that I learn so much from the group.

Although it was not accepted, I did conquer some fear and submit workshop proposals for the VRID conference

Looking ahead:
I have one more year left in my term as VRID District I Representative and have started brainstorming for events this fall.

I am attending the VRID conference in Roanoke this weekend; in August, I will be attending the Region II Conference in Ft. Lauderdale.  I am sharing a room with two friends and we're going down a day early to get some sun and fun in before four full days of learning.  I really do love conferences- I always learn so much and meet so many awesome people.  Hopefully, these conferences will inspire me to start blogging again.

That's life in a nutshell!  Happy Summer!

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