Friday, May 6, 2011

The makings of a good day

Yesterday was an interesting day for me.  Thursday is one of the days that I have guaranteed hours with an agency; my schedule is at their discretion.  At 9 am, I was almost to my 10 am assignment when I received the call that I was now working 11:30-1:30 at an alternate, but nearby location, and after that I would be done for the day- with the caveat that something could came up.  So I went to Starbucks and Target, then headed to my assignment.  When my assignment was over, I had a voicemail directing me to another assignment.

Two assignments, two last minute scheduling changes, two states, and eighty-plus miles later, I was finally home- exhausted, but elated.

Despite the chaos, in the course of the day, I had conquered one of my interpreting fears.  Sometimes we hold on to our fears, rational and irrational, and overcoming them is a reason to celebrate.  That's what makes a good day.

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