Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Remember that time...

All interpreters have stories- the good, the bad, the memorable.  We can talk about our mis-adventures en route- from massive gridlock to unforeseen metro delays, but often times, our most memorable moments must remain shrouded in confidentiality between us, our team interpreter, and our consumers.

Today was one of those days that tops my list.  While I cannot share the specifics, it truly takes the cake, beating the day it took me seven hours to drive the seven miles home from the metro station (among my other mis-adventures in the Washington, D.C. area.)

By now, we have lived it, seen the news, and maybe a T-shirt or Facebook page- "I survived the earthquake."

It's not everyday that Washington, D.C. is rocked by a 5.9 earthquake.  And it's not everyday that you are interpreting while the room around you shakes!

At the end of the day, I am thankful that we are all safe.  And I will remain thankful to my co-interpreter who graciously offered me a ride home from D.C. (especially since it's not everyday that I work in D.C. with a fellow NoVa interpreter).

Years from now, we'll look back and say....

Remember that time we were teaming together....

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